Well things have changed since the last time I blogged. Things have changed for the better. Each time I log onto this blogger I think to myself, I am gonna blog more often. But often times I was afraid of what I was thinking. Afraid of what others might think.
I have spent my life walking on egg shells, caring about what others will think, and trying to please other people. But Last week somewhere, some how I grew a voice, and said no more....No more. I don't care what others think of me. I know who I am in Christ and that is all that matters. God has filled my heart, and my mind with so many things to speak about that I don't know where to begin. All this time I was thinking that facebook was the place to be free, and maybe for some it is, but for others it's not. I am getting there..... so far now I will keep my freedom of speech in my blogs....
Stay tuned for some great things in store (if you want to)